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Day 1
10 entries
Name Vehicle Hometown Sponsor
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Andrew benson
Alfred, MEPortland Performance
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Emmanuel Cecchet
Huntington, MAOCT Composites
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Phil Cherok
Bolton, MANAS Performance, Method Race Wheels
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Daniel Downey
Franklin, MA Downey Dirty racing
Luke Horrocks
Epping , NHTuckaway Racing
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Jordan Melim
Plaistow, NHIron Oxide Racing
Chris Nonack
Quakertown, PA
Adam Noyes
merrimac, ma
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Stephanie Reeve
Sturbridge, MAfcpeuro, KaroppiRacing, BakersBoffins
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Margaret Sharron
Huntington, MAFrog Racing, SubySolutions, COBB, TurboTek Tuning, Killer B Motorsports.

The organizer of this event controls this list and it may not represent the actual number of people registered.